local refine from relion priors

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local refine from relion priors

Dear all,

I want to do a local search/refine in cisTEM using the angles/shifts pre-determined by relion.

So I converted the star file from relion refine job into par file and import the par file into cisTEM.

But the angles/shifts are missing from cisTEM GUI.

Is there a way to recover the angles/shifts?




Hi Lei,

Hi Lei,

Are you importing the Relion Star directly, or you made a conversion yourself to par?

What angles and shifts are shown in cisTEM?  Are you looking at results->3d refinement?  You should see an angular plot and if you click on the document image above the angular plot it will show the imported angles.



Import from par file

Hi Tim,

I converted the star file from relion 3D refine job into a par file. I also merged the stacks from relion into one mrcs file. I checked the angles and shifts were in the par file. 

Then I import the par file and mrcs file into cisTEM.

But in the Asset tab, the X pos and Y pos were all zero. 

So is there a way to start a manual refine job in cisTEM based on parameters from relion?

Hi the X pos and Y pos in the

Hi the X pos and Y pos in the asset tab are particle locations not shifts.

Have you tried looking in the results?  Do you see a plot? Do you see parameters if you click on the pop out icon?




When I looked at the results-

When I looked at the results->3D refinement, the FSC is a line all at 0, there is a plot for angular distribution, most of the plot is blue. 

I did not find the "pop out icon" on this tab.


As I mention above it is the

As I mention above it is the icon with an image of a document and a plus.  It is located just above the angular plot.  

This will tell you the exact angles assigned for each particle.




I found the angles and shifts

I found the angles and shifts are there indeed. But the occupancy, sigma and score are all zero. Should I change the occupancy and sigma to 1?

occupancy should 100, sigma i

occupancy should 100, sigma i would put to 10, but 1 probably also fine.



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