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The "Use Auto-Masking?" option in auto/manual refine is nicely described on the paper, but is it written out anywhere? I would like to have a look at these automatically generated masks.



Hi Ricardo,

Hi Ricardo,

The mask is not written out, it is also not simply multiplicative, so can't be written out as a file.  The masked maps are written out into the scratch directory however.  You can either try and catch it during the refinement, or if you want to see the effect on a particular 3D you can do as follows :-

Go to manual refinement panel and make sure that the 3D you want to see masked is selected as the active reference.  None of the other parameters matter (except having auto-masking on). Click Start Refinement, then as soon as the job begins to run (the processes are actually connecting), click terminate - but do not click finish.  The masked map should be in your Scratch/ManualRefine3D directory.   The scratch directory will be deleted when you click finish.

Hope that gives you what you are after - at least in part.



This answers my question,

This answers my question, thanks a lot! Very nice masking approach btw :-)

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