Hey y'all,
Would you mind posting the format for the Frealign parameter file that one would import for a Refinement Asset? I realize that cisTEM accepts multiple different frealign formats, but would you mind posting the most recent form that includes phase shift etc? If I could be so bold, I suggest you put that in the FAQ, so it will be easy to find when I forget that I posted this question.
Hi Scott,
There is one row per particle, the columns are as follows :-
positon_in_stack, psi, theta, phi, x_shift, y_shift, magnification (not used), image_is_active(<0 means no), defocus_1, defocus_2, astigmatism_angle, phase_shift, occupancy, logP, sigma, score, score_change
I'll try and get this formatted nicely in a FAQ soon.
I have added an FAQ with the info.