Hi Tim,
I apologize for posting this, but I can't seem to figure out how to run CTF estimation on aligned movies (nor did I find any information in the online documentation).
Could you point me to this information?
I've 1) imported the movies into cisTEM and 2) run movie alignment on these movies. Yet, when I go to Find CTF I am unable to select the option to run on movies.
Hi Mike,
If you hit the "Show Expert Options" button (on the right-hand-side of the window), a new panel will appear giving you more details, including the choice of using the movies or the aligned sum as input (the default is to use movies if they are available).
Thanks for your response, Alexis. I saw this option for movies the choice to run on movies is grayed out, despite trying to give it aligned micrographs as the input.
Typically, when running on aligned movies, the cisTEM input is the group of aligned micrographs, correct?
Hi Michael,
I have only seen this before when there are images which aren't linked to movies.
If you go to the image assets panel, do you see any images with -1 as the parent id?
Hi Tim & Alexis,
Turns out that I had previously imported some of the files with the same name as the aligned movies, and this was tripping up cisTEM's ability to notice that the newly aligned frames came from movies. Starting a new session fixed the issue.