cannot see 2DTM option in GUI

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cannot see 2DTM option in GUI

hi all,

I have installed on our cluster the latest version of cisTEM (, at the bottom cisTEM-2.0.0-alpha-183-e549844-20231205.tar.gz).   When I launch the GUI I can confirm that this is indeed the version specified on the website.

I start a new project, import images, do CTF estimation, but how do I access the 2DTM option?  I thought it should be under "experimental" but when I check there all I see is "refine templates".   Is there some special flag I need to include when launching cisTEM?

thanks in advance


Jesse Hansen

figured it out!   At the top

figured it out!   At the top click "workflow" from the bar then "template matching".    Oof, that took me far too long.  Hopefully my post helps somebody else in the future ;)

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