The only way to do this is if you can select the images you want using the filter box. You can for example filter to show all images with a fit resolution worse than 5. Then click "Add all to group" to add them all to the bad group.
By mistake I entered wrong pixel size when imported micrographs. Is there a way to change it in database so that I can run autorefine with correct pixel size?
If you used the wrong pixel size for CTF estimation, then any defocus values will be invalid for the auto-refine, and you will get very bad results if you just change the pixel size for the particles. You should re-import images with the correct pixel size and re-run the CTF esimation.
I have finished processing using binned micrographs (x2, pixel size 1.12) and resolution reached to kind of limiting value (Nyquest). Now I want to use unbinned images to increase the Nyquest limit.
What is the best way to go back and do processing with unbinned micrographs using the refined particles? So, I do not need to rredo all the steps as CTF, particles picking and 2d classification.
Hi Gaya,
The only way to do this is if you can select the images you want using the filter box. You can for example filter to show all images with a fit resolution worse than 5. Then click "Add all to group" to add them all to the bad group.
Hello Tim,
Is there a away to export micrograph list into a text file.
Hi Gaya,
You can do this by directly accessing the database. Some examples (including listing all images in a group) are described here :-
Hello Tim,
Thank you very much. This what I am looking for. I should look before.
Hello Tim,
By mistake I entered wrong pixel size when imported micrographs. Is there a way to change it in database so that I can run autorefine with correct pixel size?
Thank you
Hi Gaya,
If you used the wrong pixel size for CTF estimation, then any defocus values will be invalid for the auto-refine, and you will get very bad results if you just change the pixel size for the particles. You should re-import images with the correct pixel size and re-run the CTF esimation.
Thank you very much.
I have finished processing using binned micrographs (x2, pixel size 1.12) and resolution reached to kind of limiting value (Nyquest). Now I want to use unbinned images to increase the Nyquest limit.
What is the best way to go back and do processing with unbinned micrographs using the refined particles? So, I do not need to rredo all the steps as CTF, particles picking and 2d classification.