distortion correction

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distortion correction

The distortion dection program gives out of angle, x, y correction factor and a corrected pixel size. I input these info when I import movie data. Then I notice that the pixel size was further updated after movie correction and there is a horizontal central bright line in FFT in the CTF results, which might due to further interpretation. Is it correct behavior? Although I get 3A resolution, I am still bit concerned and quite confusing how to input distortion correct info. Thanks for you input.


Hi Jian,

Hi Jian,

In order to do the distortion correction, all you need to do is enter the angle and major / minor distortions.   Enter your original pixel size, the mag_distorion_correct program tells you what your pixel size should be AFTER the correction, the parameters you enter in cisTEM are your measured parameters before correction.  The calculation for the pixel size correction is done internally within cisTEM based on the parameters you enter, so you should input your original pixel size and it will be corrected  for you.

I'm not sure where the horizontal line comes from if you are using the stretch only parameters, but it is unlikely to come from the distortion correction in this case.



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